Melissa Matthews Allen
ISSA Personal Trainer

Welcome to Mindfully Fit


Wellness is hard work…illness is harder.

There are a lot of factors to consider when you make the commitment to improve your health and wellness.  Whole-being wellness is all encompassing, and while diet and fitness are important, they are also intimidating and only part of the full picture.  This is not about how you look, this is about how you feel.  

Figuring out what motivates you to live a healthy lifestyle is the hardest part.  Being brave enough to have the difficult conversation with yourself about what is holding you back is the first step.  Once we figure out your weaknesses, we can evaluate your strengths and use them to your advantage. When you take a mindful approach to making a change, your hard work will be lasting, and your goals will be realistic and reachable.

My goal is to be your support person.  While I am knowledgeable and certified as a fitness professional, the most important part of our relationship will be our connection and commitment to each other.  I want to meet my goal as much as you want to meet yours, and I fully believe in learning from my clients, just as they do from me.  This is about holding each other accountable, showing up, making changes, and being healthy.  Let’s get to work!

Our first meeting will be to talk about what you want to get out of your training sessions with me.  Once we figure that out, together we can develop a plan of action that will focus on the strengths you already have.  It will be challenging, it will be meaningful, and most of all, it will be fun!  Nothing makes me happier than watching people succeed.  I will do everything I can to help you reach your goals and promise to show you what you are fully capable of. 

If you are ready to commit to your future, so am I!

To get in touch with me, just click on “Contact Me” and send me a message.  You can also call me at 734.645.6577.

Thank you for the opportunity to inspire your wellness journey!